Factual / Terror in Tuscany

Terror In Tuscany: WW2's hidden atrocities

Terror in Tuscany

Forgotten atrocities

Terror in Tuscany

Forgotten atrocities

In scores of towns and villages across Italy, you'll often come across a monument or plaque dedicated to locals who perished during WW2. Commissioned by CNN International's long-running doc strand World's Untold Stories, our story investigates a series of civilian massacres deep in Tuscany's hinterland and the quest to bring those responsible to justice more than half a century later. For us, it was an opportunity to share a largely unknown chapter of Italy's history, and how Italians experienced a war being waged in their own backyard, that even today remains deeply embedded in the public's consciousness. For more backstory, click on any of the videos below.

Channel: CNN International

Read Gia's companion article on cnn.com

Watch more highlights

On Location in Tuscany with Gia Marie Amella

Survivor Enzo Panzieri meets with local schoolchildren

Procession commemorating San Pancrazio's atrocity victims

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